- Lecture on Clinical Pharmacy Practice by Karin Nyfort Hansen, a Senior Pharmacist of Repatriation General Hospital, Australia and by Dr. Parthasarathy, Asst. Professor, JSS College of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, JSS Hospital, Mysore.
- Lecture on Pharmacy Practice by Dr. Albert M White, Professor and Dean of Albany College of Pharmacy, New York and a Consultant Pharmacist, Villa Mary Immaculate and Parson Family Care Center.
- Lecture on New Drug Development: A regulatory overview by Dr. G.Jagadeesh, a phacarmacologist, USFDA
- Lecture on Drug Information – A Global Perspective presented by Mr. Graeme Vernon, a Senior Drug Information Practitioner from Austin and Repatriation Medical Center (AUSTIN), Australia.
- Continuing Education program and update in Tuberculosis for Practicing Pharmacists in co-ordination with Pharmacy Council of India, Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Karnataka Branch and KLES College of Pharmacy, Hubli.
- Lecture on Rational Use of Drugs by Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhury, President, Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs, New Delhi.
- Training programme for district and taluk hospital pharmacists of Karnataka Health System Development Project.
- Release of training manual for pharmacist by Mr. Irfan Razack, Honorary Secretary, Al-Ameen Education Society, Bengaluru.
- World TB awareness week
- Lecture on Rational Use of Drugs by Dr. Uma Thekur, Professor in Pharmacology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
- Rational Use of Drugs Program for doctors and pharmacist regarding “Measuring Drug Use indicators at the hospitals that was scheduled under the Essential Drugs Program, World Health Organisation.
- Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Pharmacy Council of India in co-ordination with Pharmacy College of Karnataka.
- Public Education for Rational Use of Drugs in co-ordination with Banashankari Consumer Protection Society.
- Lecture on Drug Information and Clinical Pharmacy Practice at Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital by Mr. Rohan Eliot, Clinical Pharmacist, Austin and Repatriation Medical Center, Melbourne, Australia
- Public education on Consumer awareness about proper usage of medicines jointly organised by World Health Organisation, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, Indian Pharmaceutical Association
- Lecture on Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs program in co-ordination with Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs.
- Lecture on Safe Usage of Ayurvedic Drugs by Dr. D.B. Anantha Narayana, President, Dabur Research Foundation.
- Lecture on Drug Information Services and ADR Monitoring by Drug Information Center, KSPC to Primary Health Center Medical Officers.
- Continuing Education for the Hospital Pharmacist of Manipal Hospital, Bangalore by KSPC DIC official.
- Rational Use of Drugs for continuing medical education for more than 600 doctors from government and private hospitals under Karnataka Health System Development Project (KHSDP) by KSPC DIC official.
- WHO workshop on Consumer Awareness about Proper Usage of Medicines jointly organised by WHO, CDSCO, State Drugs Control & IPA State Branch.
- Lecture for doctors on “Pharmacoeconomics and Development of formulary systems by Dr. Kenneth W Schafermayer, Professor of Pharmacy Administration and Director of Graduate Studies at St. Louis College of Pharmacy, USA.
- Rational Use of Drugs program under India-WHO Essential Drugs Program & Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs.
- Lecture on “Drug Information Services and Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring” by Mr. Graeme Vernon, Mr. Graeme Vernon, Senior Drug Information Practitioner, Austin & Repatriation Medical Center, Melbourne, Australia.
- Lecture on “Setting up of Hospital Based Drug Information Center” was delivered during the Workshop on Model Hospital Pharmacy organised by Indian Hospital Pharmacy Association and Indian Pharmacy Graduates Association, New Delhi.
- Lecture on “Setting up of Hospital Based Drug Information Center” was delivered during AICTE-ISTE sponsored two weeks training program for pharmacy teachers on “Emerging Trends in Hospital, Clinical and Community Pharmacy” organised by D.S.T.S Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Solapur.
- Clinical Pharmacy Activities at Indira Gandhi Child Institute and Malligae Medical Center - Lecture on Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR).
- Lecture on “A Guide to Community Pharmacists on Diabetic Medication Counselling” was organised at the Workshop on Diabetes Management for Community Pharmacists organised by Indian Pharmaceutical Association co-sponsored by AIOCD.
- Lecture on “Drug and Therapeutic Committee – An Overview” was given during the weekly seminar on “Clinical Pharmacy Update” was organised by COPS, Manipal sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi.
- A demo and training on Pharma Care Software for Community Pharmacist was conducted at KSPC.
- Two days training programme was conducted for Hospital Pharmacist of Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital by DIC, KSPC.
- Lecture on “Drug Information Service and ADR Monitoring” was given during a Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme which was organised by National Integrated Medical Association (R) at The Bangalore City Institute, Bengaluru.
- Training program on “Smoking Cessation” was conducted for Government College of Pharmacy to help in conducting community health projects at Kodihalli village, Bangalore.
- Lecture on “Rational Use of Drugs, Medication Errors & Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring” during the KGMOA conference held at Sri HM Gangadhariaya Smaraka Bhavan, Siddahartha Medical College Campus, Tumkur.
- Lecture on “Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Drug Information” was delivered at Periyar College of Pharmacy, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
Conferences Attended by DIC Official
- Once week International Training Course on Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community (PRDUC) organized by Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur and the course Co-ordinator was Dr. J.S. Bapna MD, PhD, Professor of Health and Pharma Management at the Indian Institute of Health
- Management Research, Jaipur, India.
- Oral Presentation on “Implementation of ADR monitoring in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bangalore at International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) held at France.
- Poster Presentation on “Independent Drug Information Center Vs Hospital Based Drug Information Center – A Comparative Study at International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) held at France.